Roy Dahl on Management, Trends and Marketing

About Management, Trends, Marketing, Word of Mouth and Life In General. My thoughts will primaraly be based on the theories of Tom Peters, Faith Popcorn and Seth Godin - and of course, my own experiences.

Location: Norway

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

How do I sell ads for a hardcopy book?

Does anyone have an advice on how to do this?

Please feel free to make a comment.


Friday, February 09, 2007

Creating Evangelists

I read the blog of Creating Passionate Users on how to create Evangelists the authentic way. This is what they say about what you should have and what you should do.

1) You have a product or service or cause that helps users learn and grow and kick ass at something.
2) You give users tools to help them evangelize.
3) You do not ever, ever, ever pay users for doing this.

Creating Evangelists is about how you can get someone telling their friends about your product in a way that is truthful. Creating Evangelists has nothing to do with asking "cheaters" to go on the street telling "everybody" about your product, a product the "cheaters" may not even have seen. This is what separates the good from the evil, the true ones from the cheaters.

Then, of course, there are certain remedies which may be used to help your evangelists evangelize your product. These may be
  1. Give-aways DVDs so the ones that receives the DVD may see why this product means so much to the one the got the DVD from
  2. Posters and stickers to raise attention to the product. Speaking for my self, I'm a true evangelizer of the Skagen Festival , a music festival in Skagen, Denmark, and I often get posters to put up in my city just before the festival starts.
  3. Free tickets to an event arranged by the manufacturer of the product
  4. Friends and Families Nights; three weeks ahead of the Skagen Festival me and my wife arrange a Skagen Vorspiel where we invite the friends of ours who we will be going to Skagen together with.
  5. Testimonials from credible people. Speaking once again for myself, I talk about the Skagen Festival round the year, telling all my acquaintances about what a remarkable experience it is to go to Skagen and listen to all the wonderful music, and not by least, how much it adds up to your marriage.

This is how YOU can help your true users to evangelize YOUR product of service.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Will We Go Green?

It's great to see so many bloggers will go green. It's not so great to see how one of Tom Peters' contributors, John O'Leary, is not that concerned about going green. This is what Tom O'Leary writes:

Yet before we get ahead of ourselves, there are scientists who remain skeptical that greenhouse gases (human-caused) are the major source of global warming. They argue that this warming is due to natural cycles or other variables, such as sunspot activity. While the number of these skeptics is shrinking faster than the polar ice caps, we shouldn't forget that a majority opinion is no warranty of scientific truth (ask Copernicus). And ideological claims ("they're all paid off by Big Oil") are no substitute for fact-based discourse, even if the big clock is ticking.

A heartly warm thank you to Gil Friend who in his blog really makes a statement with regards to the profoundly effect of releasing CO2. In his blog yesterday he wrote:

The options for action -- for governments, companies and, yes, each of us -- should now be clear, if they weren't already:
1. Slow and reverse any and all contributions to global warming
2. Minimize, mitigate, deal with, adapt to the daunting and inevitable impacts
3. Do #1 and 2 in ways that build economic benefit
4. Do #1, 2 and 3 in ways that build reputation
(#4 is especially pertinent for companies -- but I guarantee you it will impact politicians as well.)

The Prime Minister of Norway is also deeply concerned about this. In his speech for the New Year he stressed the fact that the polar ice is melting.

Still we see the President of US hesitating to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, and that he has a lot of American followers in not ratifying the protocol. Probably people who runs a business which will have to make investment in CO2 reducing gadgets.

I think most of the population on earth is really concerned about this very serious topic. It is also my opinion that all these human beings will seek not to buy products from manufacturers who is releasing a heavy load of CO2. Faith Popcorn calls this "The Vigilan Consumer" and "The Trend of Surviving".

The consumers will take action. Will the manufacturers follow suit?

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Monday, February 05, 2007

OLGA is Dead

Dear Olga,

It has come to my understanding that you have left us - may be for ever. What a pity.

Through the years you have been a reference site for many trying to learn new tunes on their guitar. You have been like a friend which could be visited to learn something new on the guitar. Like old friends for years and years having learned from each other, you have been there. Now you are gone.

What does this mean? When you, dear OLGA, is gone, many guitar players will ask, WHY. Because there have never been illegal to learn a new tune on the guitar from a friend. The lyrics can often be found in the booklet of a CD, and what the friends have to do is to put some letters (and numbers) between the lines showing which chords to be used, and perhaps add tablature now and then. This is how a tradition on playing guitar has gone like a legacy from guitar player to guitar player. From grandfather to father to son. In the old days there was no tablature, there was no internet, there was no other way to learn new tunes on the guitar than learning from someone else or be teaching one self.

Dear OLGA, what if I write a lyric, put on the chords and give it to my friend, will I then be in conflict with the law? I don't think so.

There are millions of guitarists who would love to see you back again, dear OLGA.

When will you be back?

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